

Smart Explorer Choose Smart Capsule Room

Every day is an adventure! There is no room for the explorer to lie down in the bed for a long day. Smart Capsule room is the perfect choice to answer all of your needs during your exploration here in this island. More practice, more efficient and more value for money!

SIRFIN Play Ground

Feeling stress out? You might need some Fun!

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day. Playing some game in Sirfin Playground could be your mood booster in the exhausted day during your vacation. Refresh your gloomy day into a sunny shimmering day with various games in Sifrin Playground.

SIRFIN Love Shack

Something Romantic in Somewhere Exotic

Are you planning to date someone during your vacation? Or you’re indeed in creating story with someone special during your journey here? We gotcha! Spending the time with the loved one in Sirfin Love Shack might be a good idea. Now Imagine, you’re watching your favorite movie, snacking a really great foods and beverages, getting closer to your date, cuddling each other in the middle of beautifully romantic decoration lights. What a wonderful night, isn’t? Then please, go find your date and Sirfin Love Shack, always be ready to make your imagination comes true!


Something Romantic in Somewhere Exotic

Every tattoos has a meaning and soul within it. That’s why it is important to choose tattoo artist who understand your expectation and feeling, except your relationship problem, ups! Our tattoo parlor has dedicated to every explorer who loved to explore the tattoo art.

SIRFIN Barbershop

Get your perfect cut and be stand out!

Life is not perfect, but your hair can be. Sirfin barbershop is ready to improve your selfie during your vacation. Don’t let you regret to cancel your Instagram post, because of your bad hair day. Remember, picture speaks thousand words.

SIRFIN Coworking

Positivity Create Productivity!

We believe ‘environment’ matters in order to increase you productivity. Hence, Sirfin Co-working always concern your convenience by bringing the positive vibes to your working space. We guarantee the positivity in our comfy space to boost your productive day!

SIRFIN Bali Coffee Club

No Coffee? No Baby…

A day without coffee is just like a day without you, Baby. We do understand that feeling, thus Sirfin provide the best coffee taste with 100% of Arabica Beans from the beautiful land of Kintamani, Bali to complete your day during your exploration here, with Sirfin.

Lets Sirf!

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